7 research outputs found

    CityLearn: Diverse Real-World Environments for Sample-Efficient Navigation Policy Learning

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    Visual navigation tasks in real-world environments often require both self-motion and place recognition feedback. While deep reinforcement learning has shown success in solving these perception and decision-making problems in an end-to-end manner, these algorithms require large amounts of experience to learn navigation policies from high-dimensional data, which is generally impractical for real robots due to sample complexity. In this paper, we address these problems with two main contributions. We first leverage place recognition and deep learning techniques combined with goal destination feedback to generate compact, bimodal image representations that can then be used to effectively learn control policies from a small amount of experience. Second, we present an interactive framework, CityLearn, that enables for the first time training and deployment of navigation algorithms across city-sized, realistic environments with extreme visual appearance changes. CityLearn features more than 10 benchmark datasets, often used in visual place recognition and autonomous driving research, including over 100 recorded traversals across 60 cities around the world. We evaluate our approach on two CityLearn environments, training our navigation policy on a single traversal. Results show our method can be over 2 orders of magnitude faster than when using raw images, and can also generalize across extreme visual changes including day to night and summer to winter transitions.Comment: Preprint version of article accepted to ICRA 202

    DEUX: Active Exploration for Learning Unsupervised Depth Perception

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    Depth perception models are typically trained on non-interactive datasets with predefined camera trajectories. However, this often introduces systematic biases into the learning process correlated to specific camera paths chosen during data acquisition. In this paper, we investigate the role of how data is collected for learning depth completion, from a robot navigation perspective, by leveraging 3D interactive environments. First, we evaluate four depth completion models trained on data collected using conventional navigation techniques. Our key insight is that existing exploration paradigms do not necessarily provide task-specific data points to achieve competent unsupervised depth completion learning. We then find that data collected with respect to photometric reconstruction has a direct positive influence on model performance. As a result, we develop an active, task-informed, depth uncertainty-based motion planning approach for learning depth completion, which we call DEpth Uncertainty-guided eXploration (DEUX). Training with data collected by our approach improves depth completion by an average greater than 18% across four depth completion models compared to existing exploration methods on the MP3D test set. We show that our approach further improves zero-shot generalization, while offering new insights into integrating robot learning-based depth estimation

    Energy-Aware Ergodic Search: Continuous Exploration for Multi-Agent Systems with Battery Constraints

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    Continuous exploration without interruption is important in scenarios such as search and rescue and precision agriculture, where consistent presence is needed to detect events over large areas. Ergodic search already derives continuous trajectories in these scenarios so that a robot spends more time in areas with high information density. However, existing literature on ergodic search does not consider the robot's energy constraints, limiting how long a robot can explore. In fact, if the robots are battery-powered, it is physically not possible to continuously explore on a single battery charge. Our paper tackles this challenge, integrating ergodic search methods with energy-aware coverage. We trade off battery usage and coverage quality, maintaining uninterrupted exploration by at least one agent. Our approach derives an abstract battery model for future state-of-charge estimation and extends canonical ergodic search to ergodic search under battery constraints. Empirical data from simulations and real-world experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our energy-aware ergodic search, which ensures continuous exploration and guarantees spatial coverage.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, ICRA'2